Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's more American than Corn Flakes?

I am, I am, I am
(who didn't sing that song in elementary school?)
Jacob had his kindergarten program today! So darn cute!

(Okay, so I just realized I never finished this post...oops)

(And now I remember why! I wanted to crop this picture and I don't know how..isn't that just like life. Some little thing that doesn't really matter stops you from finishing something that does matter.)

Here you can see Jacob on the back row all the way to the left. I think he has already picked up on that Johnson boy trick of trying to be the tallest by thinking taller, which always pushes you up on the tips of your toes!

Jacob and his best kindergarten friend Ben. Don't they look like the sweet and ever obedient choir boys....ha ha! This cute little guy's dad is serving in Afghanistan right now...we keep him in our prayers.

Here is Jacob with Mrs. Tyler...the teacher of the year, as far as I'm concerned. Honestly, she was so wonderful with the little guy who would have rather spent his kindergarten year at home drawing pictures of Indiana Jones and hanging out with mom.


Becky said...

Mrs. Tyler has a one-way ticket to the Celestial Kingdom! The crazy thing is she probably loves her job. That's what I call having your cake and eating it too!!

Unknown said...

do you know where i could get a copy of that song?? i would love to hear it again. so many memories. please respond to me at "" thank you very much