Friday, April 23, 2010

Beautiful Sunday Afternoon

Last Sunday we made our way to the park in our neighborhood. The kids grabbed the kites for some fun. After the little ones wore themselves out running around trying to keep the kites up Christopher and Marissa had a chance to really fly them. They flew them as high as they had string.

Allison, Jacob & Kathryn had fun playing with all the branches someone had left at the fire pit.

Thom recruited our good friends Connie and David Atkisson, who's back yard bumps up to the park, to help him untangle his kite. Thanks to some patients they finally got it done and up!
It was really a pretty day...maybe a stretch to call it rest, until we got home and all the wiggles were out, then there was rest!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So Shy...

So here at the Hall's we have a really shy bunch...lots of people watching them just put them right back in their shell...but when it's just them and mom...sometimes they come out. This was one of those rare times!

I shocker!