Thom's mom grew up in upstate New York. A few years ago, after her mom passed away, she and her siblings went back to clean out the farm house and tie up loose ends. While out there on this trip, Chris visited an old Amish friend, who shared with Chris a start from her moon plant. Chris' children and grandchildren have enjoyed many-a-Sunday night sitting in her front yard watching this beautiful little weed looking plant perform it's magic. Chris had offered me a start of this unique plant right from the very beginning. I wanted one of my own, but not knowing the right place to put it, and not wanting to fail at my chance to care for this plant that had traveled all the way from New York, I never took a start.
While up visiting his family one night, early in the summer, Thom asked about taking a start to have for our own. He came right home and planted it in the perfect spot. He told me about his recent gardening endeavors and showed me what he had done. I was excited, but still a little nervous that we might not do it right. Well, I think that little plant likes it here, because after a few weeks it started sending up little buds. We were so excited! We have loved watching it this summer. This is how it works:
Right around dusk, the mature buds on this plant will split right up the side and you will start to see a little yellow pushing out.....