Monday, July 27, 2009

Hasn't been this quiet in a long time!

Everyone seemed to have something to do and someplace to go, so
we pulled out a little craft we had picked up for the two left behind.
Jacob and Kathryn must have spent an hour or more painting. All I could hear
were the sound of little people focusing all their creative genes (which, by the way, they clearly got from me :)) on this little project.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Marissa!

While Thom and I were out of town, my sister Becky made the birthday thing happen! She made her a yummy cake! Also making sure she had some great presents to unwrap, including the super cute bag she gave her. She hung birthday banners and everything! The other kids may be hoping I'm out of town for their birthdays too!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

End of School Fun...

We all remember from our own childhood, the last week of school is not a big part of making grades...but a great time! Our school had a theme for each day, including field day. On this day the big 6th graders have games and relays set up on the field and rotate kindergarten through 5th grade to each event. I went to help (watch really) and it was a great time. Maybe the most fun was watching Kathryn make her way to each event on her own schedule and seeing these 6th graders not sure what to do with this 5 year old who seemed to be running her own show. At one point she located the balloon toss and was helping herself to the water balloons, that these guys had spent a whole lot of time and hard work filling up. She was breaking them in a pretty quick fashion, and wasn't too concerned about these not so big 6th graders...finally the poor fellow just closed the lid on the water balloon box and sat on it. I should have been more help, but by the time I figured out what was happening it was too late, plus I was laughing so hard and I wasn't sure I wanted to place a claim on the 5 year old bully.