...that is LOgan TO JAckson!

These guys started just before sunrise in Logan Utah, to go on an all day ride. Allison and I, the official support group (which also included Thom's mom and dad this year) meet up with them in Preston, ID...Montpelier, ID...Afton, WY...Alpine, WY and then at the finish line in Jackson Hole, WY.

We have a
fun time and love being there to make sure they have plenty of apples, yucky drink mix-in, and butt butter :) They have enough
fun that they always seem to want to do it again. We always love the stop off in Afton, where we get a little extra cheer from Tara and Kamryn. This year Kamryn decided it looked like so much
fun she wanted to join us for the remainder of the ride and hopped right in to the official support vehicle and off we went for more
fun! These guys really are amazing!
We are looking forward to lots of excitement and
fun next year!